Storyteller/ cuentera

As a storyteller, I have written, directed and produced stories about fashion, sustainability, mental health, and culture. I dabble in journalism, poetry, copy-writing, podcasting and film, both in Spanish and English.

I have written for magazines and platforms such as Bacánika, Bienestar, Malpensate, and Eco-Stylist.

I have produced, hosted and been a guest in podcasts like La Bombillera or Please Advice.

I have authored a short film and have been part of producing series for brands and news outlets like Beckett Simonon and SillaVerde



chismecito 〰️



Mujer mirando al frente con un blazer de lino



Mujer sentada en una fuente de piedra
Mujer estirando los brazos hacia el cielo con el viento ondeando su camisa

Créditos de fotografía
Créditos de maquillaje

Créditos de edición

Revista SQSP

Fotografía de calle

Estilismo editorial