Buenas!/ Hello!
Adela* Is a Professional in noticing the beautiful small things in life / Una Profesional en ver las maricaditas lindas de la vida.
Depending on the day, she poses as an Artist, Journalist, Poet, Storyteller, Gatherer, Sustainability, and Social Impact Director.
But truly, she’s a druid, a plant dressed in the body of a human.
As a Colombian-Lebanese, Autistic x ADHDer, Queer woman she is constantly inhabiting the borderlines and bringing her roots everywhere, to help other people flow with the rivers of their own stories. Her work touches on the themes of family, legacy, mental health, fashion, community storytelling, identity, creativity, and sustainability.
Some of her gifts include an insane ear for music, as well as weaving words and people together. She’s now in the process of getting her MFA in Art + Social Practice at PSU, in Portland, Oregon.
*Adela is, in fact, the second of her name. Her last names are actually Cardona, and Puerta; but Mama Adela’s last name Fajury is way cooler.
Leli/ Adela/ Ade/ Adelita/ Lulú
Leli/ Adela/ Ade/ Adelita/ Lulú 〰️
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I am also here for el chismecito, to help you bring sazón to your life, or to be invited to eat, hike, craft and dance perreito, pe-pe-perreito