Fashionista/ Emperifollada

Equity seeker/ Consultora de equidad

Storyteller / Cuentera

Colombian Lebanese, Neuro-picante


Tabuleh con patacón

Gatherer/ El pegante

La Reina del Chéchere / Curios queen

Recent Work


Aloha: Breve Historia de la Camisa Hawaiian/ Aloha: A brief history of the Hawaiian shirt

The immigration and resistance behind one of the most loved items in popular culture. Written for the Colombian Magazine, Bacánika.


The Grapevine/ El Abuelazo

A multimedia project and archive of stories of our elders.


Mujeres No Graciosas, Open Mic/ Micrófono Abierto, Mujeres No Graciosas.

A monthly gathering for the weird, the creative, the funny, the hurting, and everyone in between. We bring people together and offer safe spaces for connection and catharsis. Done, for now, in Bogotá, Colombia.